- Administration – the administration of the website of the online store https://devdroid.tech, LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "DEVDROID" (EDRPOU code 45354088, location: Ukraine, Kiev).

- Site – the website of the online store https://devdroid.tech, including all web pages; the owner of the online store is LLC "DEVDROID".

- Seller – a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur who places information on the Site about the goods it sells and the services it offers. The seller can be both the Administration and any person to whom the Site Administration has granted permission to post information about the goods/services of that person. The name of the seller is indicated in the documents for the transfer of the goods to the Recipient (in the invoice, acceptance-transfer certificate, or other documents confirming the fact of transferring the goods to the Recipient).

- Goods – goods, services, works, property rights, other material and non-material objects, information about which is posted on the Site.

- User (Consumer) – a Consumer who views information on the Site and/or orders and/or receives Goods using the tools of the Site. The Recipient, the Payer are Users.

- Order – the User's request through the Site to the Seller to sell Goods, as well as the set of Goods ordered by the User.

- other terms are used in the meaning of the User Agreement.

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") has been developed by the LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "DEVDROID" (EDRPOU code 45354088, location: Ukraine, Kiev; hereinafter referred to as the "Company" and/or "Administration") in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, including, but not limited to, the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data" dated June 01, 2010, No. 2297-VI, taking into account the principles and rules of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union regarding Users of the website of the online store https://devdroid.tech (hereinafter referred to as the "Site"), and establishes the procedure for obtaining, collecting, accumulating, storing, processing, using, ensuring protection and disclosure of personal data (hereinafter referred to as "Data") through the Site and/or related services and tools.

1.2. Data means any information directly or indirectly related to a specific User. This may include: name, surname, patronymic (if any), information about the type of activity, marital status, education, email address, phone number, region of residence, address of residence/stay, information about the User's actions on the Site, IP address, data about devices (computer, browser type, mobile device operating system) used by the User, messages (information contained in correspondence between the User and the Administration), other information through which communication is carried out, which, at the User's discretion, is provided by him in the registration form and/or when filling out his profile on the Site, when answering a survey (by filling out a questionnaire or in another way), writing messages or feedback, or information received during oral communication between the User and the Administration, information provided when making a payment and/or using any service (service) provided by the Administration.

1.3. Data processing means any actions with Data, including, but not limited to: access, provision, distribution, collection, systematization, storage, accumulation, recording, transmission, blocking, deletion, clarification, updating and/or changing, depersonalization, and other methods of using Data by the Administration.
1.4. The Data Controller is LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "DEVDROID" (EDRPOU code 45354088, location: Ukraine, Kiev).

The Administration provides Users with the opportunity to make payments quickly and easily while ensuring the secure storage of their data through multilevel protection and the use of tokenization technology for payment cards. This technology involves encrypting card data, allowing for secure payments without disclosing the card details. Tokens protect personal information and financial transactions by transmitting card data in encrypted form. They are generated through mathematical formulas or random alphanumeric generators and hold no value, making them unusable for malicious purposes. When a User registers a payment card on the company's website, they send a request for token assignment, which will be used instead of the details of the added payment card. The acquiring bank, performing the transfer, and the issuing bank of the payment card use the available information about the cardholder and their decrypted payment information to execute the transfer.

1.5. By registering on the Site, the User provides their personal data and/or performs any actions on the Site and/or uses any part of the site, and/or by giving consent, activates the "register" button and/or activates (presses) the "place an order" button through the site form (checkbox), and/or independently enters data, namely: the card number, the expiration date of the card into the Site service form, expresses their consent to the provisions of this Policy and grants the Administration, Sellers, as well as any third parties providing services to the Administration or Sellers (in particular, but not limited to, processing payments, providing financial services, delivery), permission to process their personal data.

1.6. Users may provide Data themselves by placing such data on the Site or by notifying through telephone communication and/or to the company's electronic and/or postal address, by completing questionnaires (filling out a questionnaire or in another way), or Data may be provided from other sources (in accordance with clause 3 of this Policy), for example, from User reviews (ratings, comments, confirmation of information) or other information from third parties provided during the submission of claims, complaints, and/or when resolving disputes, and/or information from publicly available sources on the Internet.

1.7. The User does not have the right to use the https://devdroid.tech Site if they do not agree with the terms of this Policy.

1.8. The User acknowledges that in case of their negligent attitude to the security and protection of their Data and authorization data (password, login), third parties may gain unauthorized access to the account and User Data. The company is not responsible for damages caused by such access.

2. Types of Data that may be Collected

2.1. The company may collect the following Data:

  • Name, surname, patronymic (if available), passport data, taxpayer identification number, date of birth and/or age, gender, marital status, data of the authorized person of the company, company name, company details, contact phones, email address, company location address, and other contact information at the User's discretion (e.g., work address or location), payment card numbers, payment card tokens (USB keys designed for user information security);

  • Information about the User's account (including login, phone number), email address, login and password, data of account processing, and other data necessary for servicing Users of the Site, communication with Users, including during User contact with the Site support service;

  • Information provided by the User to the Company when concluding service contracts by accepting a public offer posted on the Site;

  • Information necessary for communication between the User and the Administration and/or the Seller, including for the execution and confirmation of agreements between sellers and buyers, receipt and sending of messages, posting reviews, comments, making payments, to fulfill User requests and receive feedback from the User when necessary, information posted by the User as a result of their service, reviews, comments, appeals to the customer support service, complaints, claims, and other appeals;

  • Data about the devices used by the User, IP address, date and time when the User uses the Site, information about software, and the internet browser used by the User, information about the operating system of the mobile device, information about the operation of User devices, individual device identifiers used by the User;

  • Data obtained as a result of surveys conducted by the Company and/or third parties authorized by the Company for the purpose of improving the provision of services to Users; information obtained by the Company as a result of marketing activities;

  • Information about the User's actions on the Site (consumer behavior regarding purchased goods, works, services on the Site), information about communication with other Users, including information left by Users in the form of reviews, ratings, comments, or any other feedback from Users; information containing user experience left by Users on the Site as a result of interaction with Sellers, allowing the Company to take necessary measures to support quality service and prevent fraudulent actions;

  • Information posted or provided to Users during their participation in bonus programs, quizzes, promotions, special offers held on the Site, the organizer of which is the Administration;

  • Information obtained from Users by the Company through the completion of questionnaires or other means notified to the Site Administration (this may include information, but not exclusively, about citizenship, place of birth, education, profession, specialization, work experience, social status, family composition (last names, first names, patronymics of such persons, their gender, age, place of registration and residence, contact information), photos, videos of the User (and/or the authorized person of the User, etc.);

  • Information obtained by the Company in a legal manner from third parties.

2.2 The Company may also process Data using the following technologies:

  • Cookies files (Cookie - a small piece of data sent to the User's computer when visiting a web page and/or viewing an advertising module on a web page and stored on the User's computer and/or mobile device);

  • Pixels (pixels – digital images, display matrix elements that form images), which allow tracking the frequency of the User's use of the web page to determine the User's browser and provide a service, such as storing Data in a "cart" between visits; as well as to troubleshoot errors caused by the User, in which case all information is processed "as is" and is not changed during the collection of Data.

3. Use, Exchange, and Processing Purposes of Data

3.1 The Company uses and processes Data for the following purposes:

  • Carrying out the functions, powers, and duties assigned to the Administration and Sellers in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, as well as ensuring the implementation of civil, economic, and tax relations;

  • Identifying the client as a User of the Site, communicating with the User, including providing services, processing payments, sending, conducting settlement operations, providing reporting, maintaining accounting and managerial accounting, creating and implementing bonus programs, loyalty programs, sending mailings by mail, email, by phone number, including sending commercial offers, messages about promotions and news of the Site, as well as other sites owned, and/or controlled by the Administration and/or Sellers, and/or for informing Site Users about financial services provided by third parties, improving the quality of service provision, forming ratings, analyzing User activity, conducting keyword searches, traffic management on the Site, analyzing and predicting User preferences and interests; conducting scientific research and analytical activities, as well as ensuring compliance with the conditions of the User Agreement, rules for posting reviews, rules for placing orders, etc.;

  • For sending mailings, commercial offers, messages about promotions, loyalty programs, bonus programs, and/or for sending messages about the functioning of the Site and/or other sites owned and/or controlled by the Administration and/or Sellers by mail, email, messengers;

  • For the purpose of providing Internet services of the Site by the Administration, exchanging information;

  • For displaying the Data specified by Users in their personal accounts on the Site.

The Company may exchange Data with affiliated entities of the Company (individuals acting with a common commercial interest) that may process and use Data for the purpose specified in section 3 of this Policy.

3.2 The Company does not process data related to race, national origin, political views, religious and other beliefs, membership in public organizations. Information characterizing the physiological characteristics of Users, based on which their identity can be established, is also not processed.

3.3 The processing and storage periods of Data are determined based on the purposes of Data processing, as well as based on the conditions specified in agreements concluded with the User in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine.

4. Conditions for Providing Access to Data

4.1. Disclosure of Data occurs when the User orders goods on the Seller's Site, services, but only to the extent necessary to identify the User and their order. In addition, Data disclosure occurs when registering/authorizing the User in the buyer's account on the Site.

4.2. The Site contains links to other websites to which this Policy does not apply.

4.3. The Company processes Data on a legal and fair basis: Data is not disclosed to third parties and is not distributed without the User's consent contrary to this Privacy Policy, except as provided by the current legislation of Ukraine, and only in the interests of national security, economic well-being, and human rights, in particular, but not limited to:

  • upon reasoned requests from state authorities that have the right to request and obtain such Data;

  • in case the Company has justified suspicions regarding the User's violation of the terms of this Policy and/or other agreements concluded between the Company and the User, as well as the provisions of the User Agreement.

4.4. The Company reserves the right, in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine, to exchange Data with state authorities for the purpose of: preventing fraud on the Site; resolving disputes and clarifying circumstances that are or may become the cause of a violation of current legislation, as well as in the event of the Company discovering the User's unlawful actions and/or receiving claims, complaints, appeals from third parties.

5. How to Change/Delete Data or Revoke Consent

5.1. The User can change/delete personal information or opt-out of receiving messages, or revoke consent to Data processing at any time through their personal account on the Site or by sending a message to the email address: [email protected] or the postal address: 01001, Kiev, LLC "DEVDROID", Ukraine, Kiev.

5.2. After receiving such a message, the processing of the User's Data will be terminated, and their Data will be deleted, except in cases where such processing may be necessary in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

5.3. The functioning of some features of the Site, for which information about the User is necessary, may be discontinued from the moment of changing/deleting Data.

5.4. The Company processes and stores Data for the purposes specified in this Policy for the entire period necessary for this, but not more than 5 (five) years from the date of the User's last interaction with the Site.

6. Data Protection

6.1. The Company, when processing Data, applies all necessary technical, organizational, legal measures to protect Data from unauthorized and/or unauthorized access to such Data, including changes, deletion, provision, distribution, and other unlawful actions.

6.2. The Company regularly monitors the measures taken to ensure security.

7. Additional Conditions

7.1. The Company reserves the right to change the terms of this Policy at any time. In such a case, the updated version will be posted on the page at the address: https://devdroid.tech/policy. If the User disagrees with the changes, he undertakes to immediately cease any use of the Site.

7.2. LLC "DEVDROID" is not responsible for any damage or losses suffered by the User or third parties as a result of misunderstanding or not understanding the terms of this Policy.

7.3. If the provisions of this Policy, paragraphs, or their parts are recognized as conflicting with the current legislation of Ukraine or invalid, this fact will in no way affect other provisions of this Policy; they remain fully valid and continue to operate in full, and any other invalid provision or provision that cannot be enforced is considered modified, corrected to the extent necessary to ensure its validity and enforceability.

7.4. The terminology used in this Policy has the same meaning as in the User Agreement, unless otherwise specified.